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Christmas website design specials

It's getting to the time of the year when focus throughout New Zealand shifts from business to festivities. The sun is shining and while retail booms, corporate New Zealand takes a breath and we all get to take stock of the year that's been. Whether it was a tough one, a great year of growth, or your first year in business, the New Year always presents a great line in the sand to springboard forward. That will mean different things for different companies - but there is always room for growth online.

With that in mind, we are really excited to offer your 
first year of hosting free if you sign up to build a new website between Christmas '19 and the end of January 2020. That also extends to any current clients thinking about a big refresh, so if your site is around that 3-4 year old mark and you are wanting to do an upgrade, definitely get in touch with us to lock this deal in. That hosting starts at $180 + GST per site, so we think it's a great little incentive if you just need that little kick start to starting your site

Above all else though, from everyone at 543 Design, we hope you have a fantastic holiday period if you do manage to escape the grind. We're available throughout the Christmas and New Year's period, and are really excited to launch into 2020 with all our clients.

Couple with Christmas hats, costume glasses and christmas decorations
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