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Does your website need a re-design?

1) It's not mobile friendly
This one should almost go without saying. If your site doesn't scale well to mobile - you've got a gigantic problem. Our 543 website gets over 60% views on mobile devices these days, so making sure your site is easy to use on a phone is crucial. If it's not responsive or mobile friendly, you're going to lose customers AND lose search rankings. This isn't negotiable...if you're site isn't mobile friendly - contact us....now.

2) You can't edit it easily
Times have changed, and 
websites should be super easy to edit these days. If you're finding your backend clunky, struggle to use it, or your website designer hasn't given you easy access to it - you should think about giving the site a revamp. It's pretty important to keep your website design up to date, and to do that you should be able to make changes yourself. If you can't - make a change.

3) The competition has moved forward
Take a look at your competitors websites. Are they flashier? Do they
appear higher in search results? Could you see a customer choosing them over you because the website is easier to use or looks better? If so, then it's time to invest in revamping your site. Stay ahead of the game, keep up with your competition online and you should see an improvement in sales.

4) It's not generating sales, or it could generate more
When was the last time a sale came through your website? How many are you getting per month? Do you think there is more opportunity to grow your sales online? These are all really important questions for a company. We've had clients who changed their website and branding and had an instant uptick in conversions on their site. More of the people landing on their site starting contacting them and engaging their services. It's great for us to see, and a real reminder that you should always keep your site moving forward.

5) It's more than two years old
Having an older website isn't an absolute deal breaker, but after about two years time then it's likely technology and styling has probably moved forward. If you've had your site live for more than two years, it might be a good time to have a look around at the competition and give your website another critical look. Look at it from the point of view of the customer, and potentially get someone else to give you feedback.

REMEMBER: Just because YOU love it...doesn't mean everyone will
Our last piece of advice is never get an emotional attachment to your site! You should really love your site, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that it's perfect because it's yours. We've changed our site every few months and loved every version of it...but we've identified areas we can strengthen or change it up - and made those changes.

The bottom line is - keeping moving forward. We've tried to make our pricing low enough that a change in site every few years won't break the bank (what's $1,200 every 3 years to stay at the top of your game?). Your website can be a fantastic tool, it's easy to change, and a great place to start a 
rebrand, so why not get in touch with us today about an affordable website revamp.

Illustration of a robot placing shapes onto a monitor symbolising a website redesign
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